Simplify and improve the collection of funeral donations

As the UK's leading in-memory donations platform, MuchLoved has raised over £160 million for good causes to date, and is your ideal partner for easy processing of funeral donations and Gift Aid.
The MuchLoved platform integrates seamlessly into your website allowing you to show a full funeral listings page, and separate individual pages for the service details. The 'donate now' button is on the listing and detail pages and easily accessible for funeral attendees, whether the family is collecting for one charity or more.
Donation and Gift Aid processing fees are low compared with similar services
We work with any UK charity regardless of size, as well as collecting for good causes like care homes 
Easy to specify a specific charity branch, appeal or hospital ward if requested by your clients
Full privacy options for donors, plus facility to hide all individual amounts if requested by your client
One-click donation report available to you, as well as direct reports to recipient charities
For funeral organisations wanting to offer clients superb grief support.
© MuchLoved Limited 2024, Company Number 14965211.
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