The basic service provides you with your own personalised ‘Remembrance Garden’ where all your Tributes are dynamically displayed, providing details of the Funeral Arrangements and a facility to donate online. This has proved to be a sensitive and appropriate way for family and friends to find a specific Tribute site and make their funeral donation when visiting your organisation’s website.
As an alternative, as part of the subscription service, you can embed your Tributes & Funeral Notices directly into your website pages using widget integration which can be set up by your webmaster in just a few minutes.

Widget integration means that the service is all part of your website for optimum branding and search engine benefits, providing website traffic & marketing benefits for you both before and after the funeral.
There are many widget options including Search, Forthcoming & Recent Funerals, with flexible settings and totally automatic controls meaning no administration is required to update your chosen display.
The MuchLoved platform also integrates with leading Funeral Management Software systems through the MuchLoved API which enables them to access and update resources within the MuchLoved platform. As a result, MuchLoved services can all be administered directly through the FMS with Funeral Arrangers able to automatically create, amend and delete tributes and funeral collections directly through their FMS software.
To use the API you will need an API application ID and key, which will be supplied to you by support. All API requests require the use of this ID and key, and are authenticated using the Hawk authentication scheme.
Please do get in touch if you would like any more details including the list of all API endpoints available and a help facility for testing.